"Homosexuality and masturbation were rare or nonexistent in both groups."
Today's generation is being brainwashed by masturbation propaganda that says masturbation is universal, practiced by everyone, and is a common sexual practice among all peoples of the earth since time began. The quacks and liars who call themselves "sexologists" award themselves advanced degrees in a science founded upon child molestation and rape (see this site or this video) and then proceed to insult and ridicule anyone who questions their agenda to hypersexualize youth. Anybody who questions the mindless mantra that masturbation is "safe normal healthy safe normal healthy" is demonized and mocked as some sort of backward religious fanatic. However despite the pro-porn, pro-masturbation rhetoric it is secular science itself that continues to provide evidence that masturbation is not normal, not universal, and not natural.
In October 2010 a published study about the sexual practices of hunter-gathers and foragers provides a fascinating insight into people groups that are not influenced by Western sexual propaganda. Consider the following:
In October 2010 a published study about the sexual practices of hunter-gathers and foragers provides a fascinating insight into people groups that are not influenced by Western sexual propaganda. Consider the following:
"we asked Aka men about homosexuality and masturbation and were surprised that they were not aware of these practices, did not have terms for them and how difficult it was to explain both sexual practices. They laughed as we tried to explain and describe the sexual activities. We thought that maybe they were shy or embarrassed individuals, but this would have been uncharacteristic of the Aka we had known so long...
All Aka and Ngandu indicated that homosexuality (gay or lesbian) was unknown or rare. The Aka, in particular, had a difficult time understanding the concept and mechanics of same sex relationships. No word existed and it was necessary to repeatedly describe the sexual act."
These people were laughing at the researchers when they were describing masturbation and homosexuality! LOL
"Like homosexuality, it was difficult to explain self-stimulation to the Aka. They found it unusual and said it may happen far away in Congo, but they did not know it. A specific word did not exist for it. We asked men, in particular, about masturbating before they were married or during the post-partum sex taboo and all indicated this did not occur"
All people indicated that masturbation does not happen before marriage. Imagine that, a whole people group that never practices masturbation before, during, or after marriage.
"Masturbation also appears to be rare in other forest areas. We asked Robert Bailey (personal communication) about his experiences of trying collect semen for fertility studies from Lese men in the Ituri forest of the Democratic Republic of Congo. He indicated it was very difficult to explain to men how to self- stimulate to obtain semen samples. He said that despite explicit and lengthy instructions three of four semen specimens came to him mixed with vaginal secretions.
Haha, now this is funny. The researchers try to teach masturbation to the men to get semen samples. When the men return however the samples are contaminated by fluids from vaginas. I bet those men went back to their wives and said something like "Honey, we need to have sex. That researcher guy wanted me to do some crazy thing with my penis but that's stupid. Let's just have sex and I'll get my sample back to him and he'll never know."
"Oral and anal sexual activities were unknown or very rare."
Because these are learned and not natural. People must be conditioned by porn and propaganda to accept these.
"But as more people in the world move towards a Western political-economic system, it is possible that more people will begin to think that the Western patterns are common, if not universal and natural, when in fact cross-cultural data suggest the sexual patterns in the West are quite unusual"
This statement is a scholarly smack in the face to the people who say masturbation and other sexual activities are normal and universal. The Western countries that promote sexual perversion are unusual and backward and trying to impose their hypersexualized culture on the rest of the world. It does not matter where in the world you live, there is an aggressive effort to bring your country and people into sexual slavery. With cooperation and help from the Obama administration, the UN, Kinsey Institute, etc. are on record here stating they want enslave your people.
"Homosexuality and masturbation take energy and do not help to build a child."
Really?! Why have these primitive people known for thousands of years what really smart PhDs are now publishing in the 21st century?
"The lack of male or female homosexuality and masturbation surprised us. Existing human sexuality textbooks give the impression these are human universals, but it was a struggle to explain these behaviors to all Aka and most Ngandu...
...Finally, the frequency of coitus, the reasons for having sex, homosexuality, masturbation, and other presented in this paper question how human sexuality is represented in many college textbooks."
Surprise! College textbooks are full of lies. College students pay a lot of money for the latest edition textbook so that they can be lied to and indoctrinated.
The next time you have a sex education class in your school please interrupt the class and ask the teacher why other cultures do not masturbate. Print out the study and share it with your class.
The next time you have a sex education class in your school please interrupt the class and ask the teacher why other cultures do not masturbate. Print out the study and share it with your class.
The full study can be found here.
Hewlett, B.S., Hewlett, B.L. Sex and searching for children among Aka foragers and Ngandu farmers of Central Africa. African Study Monographs. 2010;31:107–125.
To learn more about the massive fraud of modern "sexology" and how it's based on rape and molestation children just read anything by Dr. Judith Reisman. Several books by Dr. Reisman are freely available for download online.
“Soft Porn” Plays Hardball
Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences
Kinsey, Sex, & Fraud
Hewlett, B.S., Hewlett, B.L. Sex and searching for children among Aka foragers and Ngandu farmers of Central Africa. African Study Monographs. 2010;31:107–125.
To learn more about the massive fraud of modern "sexology" and how it's based on rape and molestation children just read anything by Dr. Judith Reisman. Several books by Dr. Reisman are freely available for download online.
“Soft Porn” Plays Hardball
Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences
Kinsey, Sex, & Fraud