How? Many people want to know how to stop masturbation. There are many important reasons but most people want to stop because of the negative side effects and scientific reasons.
To stop compulsive masturbation or to stop any bad habit requires the exercise of self-control. As with running, cycling, or lifting weights the exercise of self-control requires energy, it requires power. This is called willpower. If you study the graph you can see that if the amount of willpower is greater than the desire to masturbate then you can successfully practice self-control and not masturbate. Unfortunately most of us do not seem to have that level of willpower (testimonies here). As you probably have learned by now, if the desire to masturbate is greater than the level of willpower then you will lose control.
Don’t give up just yet. There is fantastic news! In past few years there have been incredible scientific advancements in the area of self-control. Studies with real people with real self-control issues have highlighted and pinpointed several of the principles to increasing willpower. Yes you read that right. Increasing willpower! The results of this research and data have extraordinary implications for those who want to stop masturbating. By following these principles you will increase your willpower.
Below are the principles that will help you obtain self-control. These are very helpful principles because they are practical and you can begin applying them in your life right now. Study each principle and apply it now
Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D, author of the book The Willpower Instinct states in her GoogleTalk and interviews on willpower that most effective habit to increase willpower is to get enough sleep. William Demitt M.D. Ph.D., who identified sleep cycles and spent over 40 years researching sleep and is considered the world's leading authority on sleep science begins his book The Promise of Sleep describing the amazing chemical processes that begin in your body when the sun goes down because that is when your body recognizes that it’s time to sleep.
Go to sleep and go to sleep early. All professional athletes who want complete recovery spend as much time sleeping as possible. After a lifetime studying sleep, what time does Dr. Demitt go to sleep? 9pm at the latest. Staying up late is "foolishness" and "if you are serious about your health, nutrition, and fitness, you need to be serious about your sleep." Get early nights if you want willpower.
Get enough sugar every day. There are trillions and trillions of cells in your body and they all run on glucose. Research findings published by Roy Baumeister PhD here and others is fascinating because studies show that your willpower is fueled by glucose. For maximum willpower and the ability to resist temptations you must eat lots of clean burning carbohydrates. The best sources of high quality carbohydrates to fuel your willpower are fresh, ripe fruits and vegetables and whole grains. How hungry are you for self-control? If you want to stop masturbating then you must eat the most nutritious and satisfying food that nature offers. That’s not so bad is it? Also, this is for your notes: Studies show that sleep deprivation ruins willpower and glucose metabolism. So go to sleep early and eat big on the fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.If it doesn't come from the ground it doesn't go in your mouth. Learn more about a healthy diet for higher willpower: Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine
Your willpower machine is operated by your prefrontal cortex in your brain and research shows that eating a plant based diet increases your ability for self control. And this is no surprise because fruits, vegetables, and grains provide the highest quality nutrients for optimal brain function. If you eat junk that does not come from nature it will hijack your brain and you will not have control. Many people who grew up eating pork chops, French fries, and soda pop now eat so lots of fruits, vegetables, grains and drink only water and fresh juices. Why? Because the results are superior. My friend, remember that you are what you eat. You are literally made of what you ate yesterday and last year. If you want tomorrow to be clean and energetic and packed with willpower you must make friends with bananas, rice, beans and other good food. You can do it!
If you eat dead, oily, greasy, and processed food your body will act dead and greasy. Taking the rotting bloody carcass of a dead animal and spicing it up with kitchen tricks and cooking hocus pocus does not make it food. UFC fighter Mac Danzig, and many others perform the best when eat a plant based diet. Don’t you want the highest levels of self-control? If you want to stop masturbating then stop eating anything with a penis or vagina.
"O God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains!"
Shakespeare Othello Act II Scene III
Shakespeare Othello Act II Scene III
Water is your friend. Get and stay hydrated. The first thing to do every morning is develop the habit of drinking at least a liter of water. When you open your eyes in the morning reach for the water. The goal is to pee clear all throughout the day. When your urine is turning yellow or orange you are dehydrated. Go drink water. If you wait until you are thirsty you waited too long. (Link and Link to Research on Dehydration and Cognitive Performance)
Have you noticed as you are reading that the most important ways to build willpower are all physical? Sleep, Water, Sugar, and a lot of good food. Exercise is of course another contender for first rate willpower building. Everyone knows that exercise is good but so few do it because it seems sometimes to be another chore, another task. They don’t really have a desire to get out there. Why? Because they have oil and junk food slop clogging the gears. That’s why this is ranked fifth and Sleep and Sugar are first and second. If you eat a lot of clean whole vegan food and get enough water and sleep you will have so much energy that you will want to move your body. Exercise will be natural, not forced labor. You won’t have to burn up your valuable willpower giving yourself orders to go to the gym. You will go play because you will want to with all that energy. With all that energy you will exercise more and when you exercise more you will get all the good brain chemicals that make you feel good all day. That’s another reason why the best time of day to exercise is early morning. If you want to stop masturbating it means you want to control your body. You must exercise if you want body control.
“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” Jim Rohn
If you knew what to do you would not be reading this. The first step to learning is recognizing we don’t know. Step two is to cultivate hunger to obtain understanding and knowledge at any cost. Step three is recognize that the pain of ignorance is far, far worse than the pain of embarrassment. Ask questions. Read all that you can, but only what helps you. Use the STD approach: Search. Try. Discard. Search the information available. Try the information through applying it to my life. If it helps keep it. If there was no improvement change your method and if no results then discard it. Reading list:
The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal, PhD
The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD The Starch Solution by John McDougall, MD The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Douglas N. Graham Ministry of Healing by Ellen White Willpower by Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney Health via Food by Dr. William Howard Hay (PDF is available online for FREE) Program for Reversing Diabetes by Dr. Neal Barnard, MD Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., MD (the principles in these last books apply to increasing willpower) |
Think about this: Imagine that you are your intestines and someone covered you with bloody hamburger meat, rotting cow pus (cheese), chicken periods (eggs), slimy pus-filled mammary excretions (milk), abrasive chemicals (additives), and plastic fat (hydrogenated oil). Would you be glad about that?
No of course not. Sicknesses, diseases, and addictions very often have a physical foundation created by our lifestyle habits. It’s like bacteria that can only grow in certain conditions. Low willpower and many addictions exist when we create the environment for them to exist and grow. When we disrespect and ignore the laws of health that govern our mind and bodies we create conditions for the bacteria to grow so to speak. Now you can see more clearly the importance of keeping your body clean and healthy through eating vegan, urinating clear, and getting enough sleep. For lasting self control it is important to address emotional, mental, and spiritual factors but if you neglect the physical then failure is almost guaranteed.
"It is pitiable to watch the struggles of a conscientious young man who very much wishes to be good, yet whose bodily desires are making of his fight a tragedy, when all the time the thing that stands in his way is a very imperfect body, one that carries waste of such character as to impose continually on his mental and spiritual parts a handicap that is all but insuperable" Dr. William Howard Hay in Health via Food
Why do people go on vacations? The same reasons why people vacation is the same reason to give your body a vacation by fasting. How long have you been eating anyway? Since you were a child you have been making your digestive run nonstop every day for decades. Give it a break. Fasting gives your body a time to rest and heal just like your other muscles. Fasting is often recommended for all sorts of addictions because they lose their power if you fast long enough. Fasting is %100 guaranteed to break your addiction to masturbation. The problem with fasting is that you can’t fast forever. You have to come back to planet earth and eat sometime. How can fasting help you eat better? The greatest benefit of fasting is that it makes it much easier to enjoy eating clean whole natural foods.
According to the International Survey one third of people who stopped masturbating cited prayer as the #1 way that helped them stop. See the video to learn more.
Wherever you are in your progress of improving self-control, utilize the benefits of forgiveness. Habits usually are not changed overnight. It took you years to make these habits and there is time needed to learn better habits. Punishing yourself with negative self talk only makes it more difficult. This does not justify the behavior but it does release you from the burden of guilt. Every war has causalities but they are acceptable if you will only persist. Did you experience failure? So does everyone else. Get up and try again.
If you can find them join them. Groups that help with addiction issues are helpful but groups that help you eat better, exercise more, sleep early, and live a high energy life are really helpful. Just like this article you can benefit from failures of others. Listen to what others have learned along the way. Pick up good tips. You will meet people that see your example and want your help. Don’t hesitate. I’m not a doctor and you don’t need a counseling degree to encourage someone. Just listen and be there for people when they mess up. It empowers you and the other person. If they fall down a 1000 times, help them up a 1000 times. It will strengthen your commitment to willpower and theirs.
Stop trusting your memory or instincts and start being a scientist of yourself. Don’t allow your feelings to interfere with the facts of reality. How will you figure out the cause and patterns of your addiction unless you have objective data?
Food Journal. Keep track of everything you eat and drink every day. Write down what time you eat and figure out the calories and ratio of carbs:fat:protein. Your goal should be high-carbohydrate low-fat with percentages. Maybe you think your diet is okay but if you are eating %30 of your calories from fat you are undermining your self control and you don’t know it.
Sleep Journal. Make charts showing what time you wake up every morning and what time you go to sleep every night. Keep this near your bed so that it’s easy to mark. I noticed that when I started going to bed earlier from 7:30-8:30 I felt great and had enormous self-control the following day. If I stayed up after 9:00 it was a consistent and reliable predictor of self-control failure.
Anatomy of Masturbation Journal. In addition to the food and sleep journal it provides valuable insight. Every time you view porn or masturbate (or whatever habit you have) keep a journal with details of the incident. Where were you? What happened in the hours leading up to the incident? What were you watching, doing, eating, or listening to? What time of day? Over time you are likely to see the same variables appearing over and over again. Once you begin to notice the trends it becomes a process of becoming aware of those factors as they appeared and making a plan to escape their influence.
Sleep Journal. Make charts showing what time you wake up every morning and what time you go to sleep every night. Keep this near your bed so that it’s easy to mark. I noticed that when I started going to bed earlier from 7:30-8:30 I felt great and had enormous self-control the following day. If I stayed up after 9:00 it was a consistent and reliable predictor of self-control failure.
Anatomy of Masturbation Journal. In addition to the food and sleep journal it provides valuable insight. Every time you view porn or masturbate (or whatever habit you have) keep a journal with details of the incident. Where were you? What happened in the hours leading up to the incident? What were you watching, doing, eating, or listening to? What time of day? Over time you are likely to see the same variables appearing over and over again. Once you begin to notice the trends it becomes a process of becoming aware of those factors as they appeared and making a plan to escape their influence.
"The tempted one needs to understand the true force of the will. This is the governing power in the nature of man--the power of decision, of choice. Everything depends on the right action of the will. Desires for goodness and purity are right, so far as they go; but if we stop here, they avail nothing. Many will go down to ruin while hoping and desiring to overcome their evil propensities. They do not yield the will to God. They do not choose to serve Him. God has given us the power of choice; it is ours to exercise....Through the right exercise of the will, an entire change may be made in the life. By yielding up the will to Christ, we ally ourselves with divine power. We receive strength from above to hold us steadfast. A pure and noble life, a life of victory over appetite and lust, is possible to everyone who will unite his weak, wavering human will to the omnipotent, unwavering will of God." Ministry of Healing, Chapter 11
To meditate is to find a quiet place where you can take time to think. That's it! The only way to get the results you want is to make those results very clear. Spend time thinking about what you want. Why do you want something? If you get it what will it look like? Set aside time specifically for thinking about what you want. Define and make your goals clear. You don’t have to go to a cave or be a monk. A few times every week or sometimes every day I set aside 10 minutes to relax and start thinking about what I want now, tomorrow, and in my future. The reason to do this is the same reason you look at the lines on the road when you are driving. It’s to make sure you are going in the right direction and doing now what needs to be done to get what you want later.
"I will not surrender responsibility for my life and my actions."
J. Enoch Powell
J. Enoch Powell
Getting married is a serious answer to stop masturbation. It's quite surprising that marriage is not recommended more often. It is the natural and most obvious answer to fulfilling sexual desire. Marriage is not always perfect and does often face many problems but those problems are not as bad as an addiction to masturbation. As Martin Luther said, "Better an unhappy marriage than an unhappy chastity." Yes many people who masturbate are too young, too poor, or too immature to get married but marriage remains the best means to sexual satisfaction. A man was created to have sex with his wife and a woman was created to have sex with her husband. Some people can control themselves and stop masturbating but others are better off getting married. If they are able to marry they should follow the sound biblical counsel found in 1 Corinthians 7:9 "But if they do not have self-control, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with desire."
"We do not rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training."
Archilochus, Greek Soldier, c. 650 BC
Archilochus, Greek Soldier, c. 650 BC
For some people stopping masturbation is easy, for others it is very difficult. Regardless of your situation you can always make improvements to decrease temptations and increase your self control. The benefits of a high wlllpower lifestyle will benefit every area of your life: physical, mental, financial, and social. Make the commitment and regardless of your successes or failures continue to press on.
Around the 6th Century BC the Babylonians were conquering different kingdoms and peoples to extend their empire. One of the slaves they brought back to Babylon was a young man named Daniel. As a slave he was told to eat the slave food but Daniel knew the value of self-control. He refused to eat the slave food at the risk of his life. Now nobody disobeyed the Babylonians unless they wanted to die a cruel death but Daniel was wise and proposed a healthier diet to demonstrate its superior benefits. The result of Daniel’s commitment to an abundant high-energy lifestyle was so amazing that he was later made a co-ruler over Babylon, one of the most powerful empires the world has ever known. Not only that but when the Medes and Persians conquered Babylon in 539 BC they kept someone alive and made him a ruler over the Medes and Persians as well. Guess who? Daniel. Your commitment must be hard core and unbending like that of Daniel. He was willing to die rather than eat slave food. He was willing to lose his life before he lost self-control. Even Jesus himself told people in the book of Matthew 24:15 to read carefully and understand the book of Daniel. You too my friend can benefit from following Daniel's example.
Read More:
Negative Effects of Masturbation
Masturbation Is "nonexistent" Among Primitive People
Pornography in Bible Prophecy
What Has Masturbation Done to Your Life? Share Your Story
Worldwide Masturbation Survey
Negative Effects of Masturbation
Masturbation Is "nonexistent" Among Primitive People
Pornography in Bible Prophecy
What Has Masturbation Done to Your Life? Share Your Story
Worldwide Masturbation Survey
![]() About the author: At the age of 16, Andrew Michell was arrested by the police for seven kidnappings and armed robberies and sentenced to almost 13 years in prison from 1995-2008. It was during the first two years in solitary confinement when Andrew realized the value of living a life of self-control. After spending 10 years in prison Andrew experienced an amazing answer to prayer and was released from prison early in 2005 when the Governor of Washington commuted his sentence. Since his release Andrew has found great joy in helping others and has volunteered in schools, prisons, orphanages, and youth detention centers in different countries around the world. Because of his volunteer work the United States government granted a full pardon to Andrew in 2015. He is married and lives in Manila, Philippines. Prison video found here.
April 23 Someone said: I am form india thanks to you for such a grate article on Stop masterbating
February 10 Someone said: U r a great guy, your content is helping me a lot, Bless u. Ameen
February 3 Someone said: I'm 24 years old man from Southeast Asia, masturbation is like a drug or tobacco addiction in my experience, first I did it about one time a week, but later I did it more often till I can did it few times a day and I feel so dirty and guilty, I also have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) symptom cause by excessive masturbation in my past said psychiatrist that I consult, she said "maybe guilty you feel from masturbation can lead to your OCD symptom" This website is amazing a plenty useful information that I can learn from it. January 27 Someone said: I'm gonna start fighting with this monster!!!!!
January 7 Someone said: Thanks Man!
December 17 Someone said: I AM MUSLIM AND I THANK YOU THE 4TH DAY THANK YOU MAN !!! December 11 Someone said: Can this article be converted to a pdf file is worth having please.... send it to ************
November 24 Someone said: i am from pakisan, really found your page helpful, i got into this evil when i was 13, now 24, feel destroyed, trying back into life, really finding it hard, weak muscles, weak joints are the outcome of porn n masterbation November 13 Someone said: It was nice. But implementing everything in daily life seems to be difficult. Can you pls help me. I'm not able to fight it.
November 12 Someone said: Thank you soo much thanks a lot after reading this i decide to fight from #mastrubation..
November 7 Someone said: 7/11/2016 Thanks OK. i tell you what, i will save this page,and if i report back "clean" on 9/11/2016, i will make longer commitment
November 3 Someone said: Information of the century thanks for sharing..with this information people suffering from masturbation can stop it November 1 Someone said: thank you Andrew!!! October 28 Someone said: Thank you sir for finding me out the very helpful answers of my all the questions in one click only
October 12 Someone said: Thank you sir! :-)
October 6 Someone said: i am a 15 year old kid and i cant stop myself from masturbation and i am very skinny .. can leaving masturbation would help me in getting a fit body and brain and please give me tips for a teenage to leave this habbit. September 30, Someone said: Thank you . I declare that you are Blessed in the Name Of JESUS August 18 Someone said: Thanks so much i just finished reading this text
August 16 Someone said: Thanks alot...! I too i have been a victim...i have been looking for help and am glad i found it today...God bless you.. July 29 Someone said Helpful,but,i,will,not,stop,eating,meat July 24 Someone said:...I'm 17 years old and i'm a socially awkward and a very depressed kid. It's true excess masturbation leads to depression . I also have an OCD . I also used to threaten my parents that i will kill them or i will myself sometimes , I'm not going in any school right now so nowadays i just live in my house. I want to join navy sir and i want to become a writer too but i need that spark in me , i need a proper grip in my life so please if u can help me not only in the case of masturbation but in the case of getting a proper grip in life ... Please do . Help me give me some tips some advices please!!!! I don't want to waste my life because i know i can make a lot out of it .... Andrew sir please i need some good guidance ...
July 22 Someone said: it's simply superb
July 12 Someone said: Thanks alot it was really helpful you know such pages are very rare most of them are related to sex and so on but yours is much different and amazing thanks for helping us .... Thaks again.
July 12 Someone said: So this guy wrote this spent 13 years in prison in one sentence, but in the very next sentence, he only spent 10 years in prison. He did time for KIDNAPPING and ARMED ROBBERY, and his success story is that he's now writing a blog about how going vegan will keep you from yanking your crank. Plus, I know this isn't cool, but look at his face: that is not a face I trust. That combined with his bizarre record and inability to keep his story straight lead me to think anyone would do better to get their advice elsewhere. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy ended up in prison again shortly.
July 8 Someone said: Can i say ? I'm a victim of masturbation..... I felt this article was written for me. Thanks to God that i searched this, now i know what am not doing to avoid masturbation.. The kind of movies,outfit of some girls, i'm exposed to increases my desire to masturbate
July 5 Someone said: Good Job,Well done.keep it up put more new ways to solve this issue.
July 2 Someone said: I am 22 year old Unemployed Student.I m addicted to MBation Since at the age of 15-16.Still yesterday I Faced that Urge to Sexual Desire.Due to these I have Memory Problem,Skinny Appearance and Low will power Potentials.Each time I promised these is last.I even Read Holy books,Visited Peace Areas,Park,Temple.None Works.Every passing Day I used to forget about Yesterdays Sin(MBation)..All I do and gained Nothing but frustations and all.After Reading these article I found Your points and Justifications quite Valuable.I want total self Control.I will try to Implement Strictly your Points.Thank you. June 28 Someone said: I'm a guy from Indian. . i'm not so fluence in English please try to understand me. I start to masturbate since age 12 and now I'm running 29. All I want is stop to masturbate from starting till now, I try my best I could, I even visit lots of website searching for help but not helpful. Now I'm so lucky to find out this website. Bro Andrew, your words really touch my heart, you are really a bless man for giving free precious words, for helping hopeless man like me. My reputation-"AS I'M MATURED NOW I BELIVE MYSELF NOBODY'S KNOWS BETTER THEN I KNOW MYSELF". by this word tied up inside my mind n ruin myself on and on. I don't wanna listened anybody bcoz in our society like bro,sis,parents or preacher their words are not wise enough to teach me out of my knowledge. But 2day I'm so interested in reading your words, it really touch my heart.
June 26 Someone said: Whoever you are..Thank You so very much,this article changed my life.God Bless You :)
June 22, Someone said: Nice
June 22 Someone said: You just helped me so much. I don't expect a change in a day but over time I will get better thanks to you. June 21 Someone said: This amazing to. I don't know how but you just have the answers to every tinniest bit of my questions. The habit of masturbating really ruins you and the habit of going vegan really helped me alot!! Thanks alot Andrew!!
June 18 Someone said: thanks maaaan...
June 17 Someone said: I am 23 and have been addicted to porn and masturbation since I was 12. I have tried quiting it on and off but I have never lasted for more than 3 weeks. I had come across this article before but I didn't pay much attention to it. today am a week off masturbation and I have found myself reading this article again this time more keenly. I have a good feeling that this time am going to break the porn and masturbation addiction. am sleeping earlier, taking responsibility for my actions and thoughts, I don't allow myself to be idle, am staying off the Internet during morning hours and sleeping time and I am trying hard to change my perception of sexuality that has been corrupted for many years by pornography. thank you Andrew for this very helpful article. we shall overcome!
June 13 Someone said: I am 14years old boy. I started masturbation from 11. I dont like it but it has become my habbit. Now i will try it .
June 11 Someone said: First of all THANK YOU. It was very vital information you just shared something which I might not have been able to know and understand.I believe knowledge can make a difference and I think I will change for good.May God Bless you brother. Delete Entry June 9 Someone said: Will this help? June 9 Someone said: This article is very effective. I'm 16 years old and do not Masturbating After reading this article.Thank you very much. June 8 Someone said: Thank you soo much the fasting and cold shower thing really helped May 29 Someone said: Dude, I really thank you! May 22 Someone said: Im from Kosovo masturbation is very bad thing in my life i hate my self i do this thing since 2010 and i want to STOP now.Because this thing makes me to ,depression,forget many things, not concentrated,loss hope for living and more bad things, Bud when you stands in home for long time it hard to stop masturbation because I don't have any job..When I was little I had a dream to be a footballer.I like football soo much but i am without money and i can't register to any football club. So when I am nervous i want to mastrubation. And now i want to stop that. I want to share this with you my friends. May 17, 2016 Someone from Cameroon said: it has made me always hate my self
May 15, 2016 Someone from Iran said: Once i started to folow this article and for 8 months i didn't masturbate but after 8 months I thought that I reached to a high level of willpower and I didnt continue the suggestions of this article ,finally I again masturbated.
April 28 Someone from Germany said: I am 41 years old, older than most of the dudes that post things here. Chronic masturbator since the age of 7. It has been a burden that defined my whole life and my relationships. I don´t regret my life, but I see there could be something else, a pure and wild enjoyment of every minute we live with out being slaves to our instincts.
April 27 Someone said: ...,I was and am a brilliant student from Pakistan but that hurdle has been travelling with me for the last 2 years constantly affecting my studies... This article has been the best advice to me so far uptill now 'willpower' factor is more important than prevention....i m 17 today and i have pretty much controlled that habit THANKYOU very much April 18 Someone from Asia said: Hi... from India i want to say thanks to u for increasing my willpower and confidence... i loved the points when u interfered the topics of "meditation".,"god" etc. yes if we surrender to god he would surely help us.. April 16, Someone said: wow. this is going to help me xxxxx
March 2, Someone from Asia said: I have been masturbating for almost 14 years. ..After every masturbation I promise myself this is the last. ..again I do the same. I know frequent masturbation can weak your body and brain but still it never have stopped. ..but today things are different. For the first time after masturbation I searched how to stop masturbation and I found this article. I really don't know it will help me or not but if this article can't help me then it is sure that God can't help me. ..It is an amazing article I ever come through. .I will develop my will power from now onwards. ...Thanks a lot February 14, Someone from Asia said: I liked I article thank u so much February 1 Someone said: this article is mainly for me, because you just discuss my problems. thanx and help me also.
January 24 Someone from Asia said: thank you i hope it will surely help me
January 19 Someone from Iceland said: This is one of the most promising article i've ever read about this topic. January 18 Someone from the USA said: i just cannot seem to stop and after i do masturbate i always feel so stupid. i hope i can now stop thanks to your article. please pray for me so i can break this habit. January 12 Someone said: This article has helped me and I haven't masturbated for 5 days. However, during these days I was struggling very dramatically and although I held strong, it was horrible. I am wondering if I continue to hold from masturbating, will I experience the seducing urge to masturbate every day? or will the urge slowly die down as the days pass? please get back to me soon I need to know. I am 14 btw January 3 Someone said: Hello. Good advice. I am two months in and I have had some success without your sight on mental and spiritual motivation. Now that I look back I give in to the stupidest things and feel as if with an increase in will power I will be able to survive. Hopefully these physical changes in my daily routines help me out and I can stop this nasty habit. From reading other habits on this site I have come to the realization that most people addicted to masturbation have been doing it for years. I have been doing it for 2 months and I am 14 years old. I don't know if I am too deep in but I sure as hell don't want to go any deeper. I will start your advice and see if it helps at all. I want to know the main thing to keep in mind when the urges come to me. This is because when the urge hits me I cannot remember all of the reasons and I want to keep in mind the main one. And by the way, I am iranian too.
December 18 Someone from India said: Please help me, I was a brilliant student at my school and college till this deadly habit caught my mind .I always think of building enough willpower to stop masturbation but fail everytime .Is there any other way to help me overcome this habit . |