Stopping Masturbation with Prayer Part 1
January 2, 2013 by Andrew Michell
January 2, 2013 by Andrew Michell
This website is devoted to publishing ways to stop masturbation that actually work. We want real results and not theories and abstract, nebulous nonsense. Prayer does work. There are many people who were addicted to the habit of masturbation who stopped completely by praying to God and asking for help. Maybe you believe in God and maybe you do not but people are getting results you desire and they are using prayer to get that freedom.
Here is a short three minute audio clip of a man who overcame his addiction by prayer shortly after his conversion to Christianity at the age of 24. This is a very helpful clip since he mentions his practical tips for praying effectively. (The full presentation can be found here for download)
The problem is that prayer does not work for everyone. Some people pray and obtain the power to stop masturbating immediately. Some people pray and obtain the power to stop masturbating gradually over time. And some people pray and do not make any progress. For these people no amount of prayer makes any difference. (If that is you then I highly recommend reading Martin Luther's commentary on 1 Corinthians 7:9, it is an awesome resource). However, the fact that prayer does work for some people should motivate us to understand more about how prayer can help break or diminish the addiction to masturbation. The lack of studies, information, and testimonials on using prayer to overcome masturbation should prompt us to begin collecting this valuable information now. Ignorance is what keeps people powerless so remember: educate or masturbate.
Over the last 5 years I have interviewed men who were addicted to masturbation but who succeeded in using prayer to obtain freedom and self-control. Recently in December 2012 I interviewed a man named Jeff (not real name) who found freedom from masturbation using prayer. Below is a copy of the interview. I leave it to the reader to study what worked for Jeff and to find ways to apply these principles in your life. (name and personal details have been changed)
Question: What age did you start masturbating? What age did you stop?
Answer: I was in grade 9 when it all began; my first year in high school. That would be around the age of 14 I think. I must have been around 20 years old when I stopped. It was shortly after my conversion.
Question: What is your age now? How long have you been free of masturbation?
Answer: As of January 2nd 2013, I am 31 years of age. I have been joyfully freed and without temptation for about 10 or 11 years now. It isn't something I battle or struggle against anymore.
Question: Are you married or single?
Answer: I am married and have been married for 6 years. (Free of masturbation as a single man for five years before getting married).
Question: Please tell us a summary of how you found freedom from masturbation.
Answer: When I was a new Christian, no one told me masturbation was wrong. The Holy Spirit began working in my heart and I began seeing it differently. So I knew it had to leave. But every time temptation came, I immediately prayed to God. I'd end up praying every minute sometimes. It felt ridiculous at times, but I persisted. I had no other choice. I had to be free. I kept submitting to God, and resisting the devil. The devil finally had to flee. It didn't take long, perhaps a few days or weeks... not sure. It's been about 10 years and I don't get tempted at all ever. I am disgusted by it. It's like having 'homo-incestual' sex with yourself, if you excuse the term. There is a fight indeed, but looking back, I am grateful to have stood my ground and fought.
Question: When you say that during temptation you "immediately prayed," how in practical terms did you pray? Did you just ask God to set you free from the temptation?
Answer: When I first became a Christian, I was discipled by a Pastor who talked a lot about the importance of prayer. He prayed on average several hours a day. Being a new Christian who was very excited about the Lord, I began praying a lot just as I was taught by him. I developed a prayer life. Genuine, heart-felt prayer to draw near to God began changing me from the inside out little by little. I began seeing pornography differently. The more I kept watching porn, the more I felt dirty and uncomfortable watching it. I began seeing it the way he sees it and eventually became turned off from it. A prayer life became the means for my deliverance from pornography as my heart began changing as I approached the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:18 "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding... the Lord, are being transformed into the same image." We do the "beholding", he does the "transforming".
Time went by and I was still stuck with Masturbation which I felt needed to leave. That one was harder to get rid of. I became fed up with dealing with masturbation and I determined resolutely to end it. This is how it happened for me: Every time I had a desire or temptation for anything that would lead to masturbation, anything associated with masturbation (as we know the enemy is witty and finds ways to trick us), I would close my eyes, lift my hands to God and pray to him to rescue me, I'd praise him for being such a good and powerful God... I'd essentially focus all my attention on him for a minute or so until I noticed the desire was gone. But sure enough a few seconds later this same desire would come back. I would repeat the same thing, not as formula (going through the motions of prayer), but from the heart I'd seek God. And again a few seconds later, temptation returned, and I'd repeat the same thing. It seemed ridiculous at first as it would repeat over and over for 15 or 20 minutes at times. But I was determined. This is what this verse means: "Submit to God, Resist the Devil, and he will [eventually] flee." When temptation came, I resisted the Devil by submitting myself constantly to God in the midst of temptation. Eventually the devil stopped bothering me. I don't remember how long it took until a full deliverance, but I am guessing no more than 2 weeks of repeatedly turning to God. It can be a few days for one or even instantly for yet another and much longer for another. The point is, a heart pre-disposed to pleasing God is the primary ingredient. Will you steadfastly persevere until you find your deliverance? The devil will put a fight and convince you to give in.
Question: Did you always pray until the temptation was gone or did you stop after one or two prayers?
Answer: Yes, I prayed until the desire or temptation was gone. But it came back within seconds. I would repeat my heart-felt prayers to God asking him for help, and praising him for who he is. The objective was to focus all my attention on Him so that I did not listen to the reasonings and persuasive arguments in my mind that would cause my downfall. So when temptation came, I prayed and prayed and prayed, usually not lasting more than a few minutes, until the desire was gone. Then I'd continue my daily activity. Doing this weakened the temptations in my life until they were completely gone. Today, I am not tempted AT ALL anymore. It's been about 10 years.
Question: What helped you not to give up praying? Would you please say more about the importance of persistence in prayer?
Answer: Good question. I am not sure to be honest. I was resolute and determined to find my deliverance. My answer would have to be "faith". Allow me to explain what I mean by going to one of Jesus' parables. Luke 18:1-8. Jesus taught his disciples a parable to "show them that they ought to pray and not lose heart" and then speaks of the persistent widow who bothered a judge for justice until she wore him out and got it. This demonstrates that prayer must be relentless and aggressive. It will not relent until it finds its deliverance... Remember, Jesus is teaching them a parable to show them that they should "always pray and not give up" (18:1)... but what I couldn't understand for years was the last verse of that same parable. Verse 8. "But when the Son of Man returns, will he find faith on earth?" Why is he talking about faith when the parable is about prayer? Simple. Faith produces relentless aggressive prayer that will not back down until it sees its "deliverance", just as that widow did not back down until she got justice. Prayer MUST be mixed with faith. If you have faith, you will pray until you lay hold of your deliverance.
Over the last 5 years I have interviewed men who were addicted to masturbation but who succeeded in using prayer to obtain freedom and self-control. Recently in December 2012 I interviewed a man named Jeff (not real name) who found freedom from masturbation using prayer. Below is a copy of the interview. I leave it to the reader to study what worked for Jeff and to find ways to apply these principles in your life. (name and personal details have been changed)
Question: What age did you start masturbating? What age did you stop?
Answer: I was in grade 9 when it all began; my first year in high school. That would be around the age of 14 I think. I must have been around 20 years old when I stopped. It was shortly after my conversion.
Question: What is your age now? How long have you been free of masturbation?
Answer: As of January 2nd 2013, I am 31 years of age. I have been joyfully freed and without temptation for about 10 or 11 years now. It isn't something I battle or struggle against anymore.
Question: Are you married or single?
Answer: I am married and have been married for 6 years. (Free of masturbation as a single man for five years before getting married).
Question: Please tell us a summary of how you found freedom from masturbation.
Answer: When I was a new Christian, no one told me masturbation was wrong. The Holy Spirit began working in my heart and I began seeing it differently. So I knew it had to leave. But every time temptation came, I immediately prayed to God. I'd end up praying every minute sometimes. It felt ridiculous at times, but I persisted. I had no other choice. I had to be free. I kept submitting to God, and resisting the devil. The devil finally had to flee. It didn't take long, perhaps a few days or weeks... not sure. It's been about 10 years and I don't get tempted at all ever. I am disgusted by it. It's like having 'homo-incestual' sex with yourself, if you excuse the term. There is a fight indeed, but looking back, I am grateful to have stood my ground and fought.
Question: When you say that during temptation you "immediately prayed," how in practical terms did you pray? Did you just ask God to set you free from the temptation?
Answer: When I first became a Christian, I was discipled by a Pastor who talked a lot about the importance of prayer. He prayed on average several hours a day. Being a new Christian who was very excited about the Lord, I began praying a lot just as I was taught by him. I developed a prayer life. Genuine, heart-felt prayer to draw near to God began changing me from the inside out little by little. I began seeing pornography differently. The more I kept watching porn, the more I felt dirty and uncomfortable watching it. I began seeing it the way he sees it and eventually became turned off from it. A prayer life became the means for my deliverance from pornography as my heart began changing as I approached the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:18 "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding... the Lord, are being transformed into the same image." We do the "beholding", he does the "transforming".
Time went by and I was still stuck with Masturbation which I felt needed to leave. That one was harder to get rid of. I became fed up with dealing with masturbation and I determined resolutely to end it. This is how it happened for me: Every time I had a desire or temptation for anything that would lead to masturbation, anything associated with masturbation (as we know the enemy is witty and finds ways to trick us), I would close my eyes, lift my hands to God and pray to him to rescue me, I'd praise him for being such a good and powerful God... I'd essentially focus all my attention on him for a minute or so until I noticed the desire was gone. But sure enough a few seconds later this same desire would come back. I would repeat the same thing, not as formula (going through the motions of prayer), but from the heart I'd seek God. And again a few seconds later, temptation returned, and I'd repeat the same thing. It seemed ridiculous at first as it would repeat over and over for 15 or 20 minutes at times. But I was determined. This is what this verse means: "Submit to God, Resist the Devil, and he will [eventually] flee." When temptation came, I resisted the Devil by submitting myself constantly to God in the midst of temptation. Eventually the devil stopped bothering me. I don't remember how long it took until a full deliverance, but I am guessing no more than 2 weeks of repeatedly turning to God. It can be a few days for one or even instantly for yet another and much longer for another. The point is, a heart pre-disposed to pleasing God is the primary ingredient. Will you steadfastly persevere until you find your deliverance? The devil will put a fight and convince you to give in.
Question: Did you always pray until the temptation was gone or did you stop after one or two prayers?
Answer: Yes, I prayed until the desire or temptation was gone. But it came back within seconds. I would repeat my heart-felt prayers to God asking him for help, and praising him for who he is. The objective was to focus all my attention on Him so that I did not listen to the reasonings and persuasive arguments in my mind that would cause my downfall. So when temptation came, I prayed and prayed and prayed, usually not lasting more than a few minutes, until the desire was gone. Then I'd continue my daily activity. Doing this weakened the temptations in my life until they were completely gone. Today, I am not tempted AT ALL anymore. It's been about 10 years.
Question: What helped you not to give up praying? Would you please say more about the importance of persistence in prayer?
Answer: Good question. I am not sure to be honest. I was resolute and determined to find my deliverance. My answer would have to be "faith". Allow me to explain what I mean by going to one of Jesus' parables. Luke 18:1-8. Jesus taught his disciples a parable to "show them that they ought to pray and not lose heart" and then speaks of the persistent widow who bothered a judge for justice until she wore him out and got it. This demonstrates that prayer must be relentless and aggressive. It will not relent until it finds its deliverance... Remember, Jesus is teaching them a parable to show them that they should "always pray and not give up" (18:1)... but what I couldn't understand for years was the last verse of that same parable. Verse 8. "But when the Son of Man returns, will he find faith on earth?" Why is he talking about faith when the parable is about prayer? Simple. Faith produces relentless aggressive prayer that will not back down until it sees its "deliverance", just as that widow did not back down until she got justice. Prayer MUST be mixed with faith. If you have faith, you will pray until you lay hold of your deliverance.
Question: What counsel would you give to a young person who has this temptation and addiction?
Answer: Be aggressive and persevere in prayer. Submit to God in prayer every time temptation comes. Cultivate, in general, a life of prayer apart from when temptation comes. Whenever temptation comes, turn to the Lord right away and pray to him out of a genuine desire to know him and please him. It may take a little time, which is what sanctification is. We aren't changed right away. We are changed from "glory to glory" as we "behold him". Or to put another way, "We change little by little as we seek to know God."
Question: Thanks for sharing your story. Any additional thoughts?
Answer: Christians are told in the Bible to set their minds on the things above and not the things of the earth. They are told to focus on the eternal and not the temporal. Jesus said his Words (the Bible) are "spirit" and "they are life".
Answer: Be aggressive and persevere in prayer. Submit to God in prayer every time temptation comes. Cultivate, in general, a life of prayer apart from when temptation comes. Whenever temptation comes, turn to the Lord right away and pray to him out of a genuine desire to know him and please him. It may take a little time, which is what sanctification is. We aren't changed right away. We are changed from "glory to glory" as we "behold him". Or to put another way, "We change little by little as we seek to know God."
Question: Thanks for sharing your story. Any additional thoughts?
Answer: Christians are told in the Bible to set their minds on the things above and not the things of the earth. They are told to focus on the eternal and not the temporal. Jesus said his Words (the Bible) are "spirit" and "they are life".
The responsibility is on us to feed on God (anything pertaining to Him). We hunger for what we feed on. If we are caught up in all the entertainment and games and other distractions of this world, we will always hunger for them and we will remain on the level of what is temporal, fleshly and of this earth. To then overcome something such as masturbation for example is futile because masturbation is what you reap as a result of living in the flesh. If you feed on junk food and you will always crave what is junk. To change your desire towards masturbation you must first learn to feed on God through a disciplined prayer life, through constantly reading his Word, and replace all the distractions of this world with more of the spiritual. It goes against your craving, that's for sure, and it’s unpleasant at first because you are attempting to break a bad habit. So put aside what is distracting you and re-ignite the spiritual fire by feeding on the Word, and by praying unceasingly. As you do this, you will discover your heart changing towards sin. Your heart will begin desiring what is righteous and hating what is wicked. You will be able to overcome masturbation on the spiritual level. At least that's how I did. And if you are already spiritual yet stuck with masturbation, remember that, like all things, we must subject every work of the flesh to God. So when flesh knocks at your door, quickly feed on the Spirit.
About the author: At the age of 16, Andrew Michell was arrested by the police for seven kidnappings and armed robberies and sentenced to almost 13 years in prison from 1995-2008. It was during the first two years in solitary confinement when Andrew realized the value of living a life of self-control. After spending 10 years in prison Andrew experienced an amazing answer to prayer and was released from prison early in 2005 when the Governor of Washington commuted his sentence. Since his release Andrew has found great joy in helping others and has volunteered in schools, prisons, orphanages, and youth detention centers in different countries around the world. Because of his volunteer work the United States government granted a full pardon to Andrew in 2015. He is married and lives in Manila, Philippines. Prison video found here.
Comments are closed
December 15, 2015 Someone said: "I masturbate once in a while...after telling myself that i wouldn't...and it gets frustrating. I always pray for God's help and when i fall, i always hear a small voice telling me that i didn't submit all to God, and that was why i fell. I never tried to completely surrender because a part of me wanted to look at pornography but the bigger part of me wanted out. I love God, I know i do because he has done so much for feels like i'm taking his grace for granted but i thank God that instead of running away from him, i run to him. now my prayer has changed from 'God help me stop masturbating and watching porn' to 'God, help me surrender wholly to you that my mind be consumed by your will, that i may stop this acts of selfishness and please you'. I'm a work in progress and i know that my good Lord who started a good work in me will perfect it. "
December 11, 2015 Someone said: "I have been struggling hard to come out of this evil but failed. Thank you now i know everything to God in prayer for deliverance."
December 10, 2015 Someone said: I need help too cuz i hav been for long but no change
December 10, 2015 Someone said: Prayer is the and has always been the key of problems,including masturbation.Though masturbation makes you dirty before God,never give up.May God through prayer,help and deliver us
December 6, 2015 Someone said: "This has really helped me a lot....would be puting faith into work.
So help me God"
November 26, 2015 Someone said: Been wanting to find verses where I can keep put in my heart mind and soul to prevent me from doing it again! I'm happily married but haven't had sex just we both are middle age couples! He wonderful just myself try to avoid it dirty thought of pics every time I do that I asked God forgive me I'm trying so hard to stop because I know I'm not please myself and with God too!
November 21, 2015 Someone said: sometimes when i feel the guilt of masturbating: i pray and ask God for forgiveness, and I may not masturbate for a week or two after, only to find myself falling whenever i have unpleasant experience or find myself in a situation i never bargained for: thinking that God is unfair. I've stopped masturbating for about 33 days, and also for about 105 days on separate occasions only to go back again when i experienced academic failure: thinking God is not faithful. But having read this article, i promise God my creator, myself and you my spiritual brethren that i won't masturbate anymore. I'll make praying my hobby as well as reading the bible at least everyday. The devil is a liar!
November 10, 2015 Someone said: I hv being praying but I hv not been persistent
November 9, 2015 Someone said: "reading your testimony has just stirred me up to pray unceasingly concerning this. god bless you soo much. i have been praying for years but i also felt it wasnt enough, upon reading you testimony i am going to seek god with my everyhting and be changed from glory ot glory
i pray that the holy spirit should help me as i ernestly pursue god in jesus name amen "
October 26, 2015 Someone said: I want to be honest. I started masturbating when I was 9 ,but I didn't knew it before. And now i'm 13.. I still can't stop my self from doing it ,I know I'm too young to know that ,but years ago (6-7) something happened between me and my cousin. It's not what you think ,it was a kiss. It happened a lot, until our parents knew about it ,I started to avoid my cousin because I understood that it was wrong. My family is religious ,I also studied in a Christian School where they taught us how to read the bible and how we can communicate to God. But.. When I started watching anime ,I was slowly got addicted ,to the point where I don't like to join my family in going to church. I want to help my self until I saw this article ,I want to change. I want to help my self to lessen watching anime ,help my self get rid of masturbating. Thank you for the article :)
October 15, 2015 Someone said: am grateful because i know this is way out for me stop masturbation, may God bless u.
October 10, 2015 Someone said: It makes me feel bad cause I have holy spirit and I don't listen to it my mind is weak but my spirit is bright n strong.I love God I do anything for him just to stop like I hear holy spirit talk to me before I do it but it's just I fall into temptation glorify God in name Jesus it's stop guess I need pray more....
October 3, 2015 Someone said: I believe masturbation cannot resist the power of Jesus Christ he raised the dead work on water he did more impossible things under the sun this won’t stop him he will rescue me thank you for your testimony
September 8, 2015 Someone said: "The day my life has changed through God ! Glory to him, I always remember the line take my heart and make it clean. Break my heart from what breaks yours "
December 11, 2015 Someone said: "I have been struggling hard to come out of this evil but failed. Thank you now i know everything to God in prayer for deliverance."
December 10, 2015 Someone said: I need help too cuz i hav been for long but no change
December 10, 2015 Someone said: Prayer is the and has always been the key of problems,including masturbation.Though masturbation makes you dirty before God,never give up.May God through prayer,help and deliver us
December 6, 2015 Someone said: "This has really helped me a lot....would be puting faith into work.
So help me God"
November 26, 2015 Someone said: Been wanting to find verses where I can keep put in my heart mind and soul to prevent me from doing it again! I'm happily married but haven't had sex just we both are middle age couples! He wonderful just myself try to avoid it dirty thought of pics every time I do that I asked God forgive me I'm trying so hard to stop because I know I'm not please myself and with God too!
November 21, 2015 Someone said: sometimes when i feel the guilt of masturbating: i pray and ask God for forgiveness, and I may not masturbate for a week or two after, only to find myself falling whenever i have unpleasant experience or find myself in a situation i never bargained for: thinking that God is unfair. I've stopped masturbating for about 33 days, and also for about 105 days on separate occasions only to go back again when i experienced academic failure: thinking God is not faithful. But having read this article, i promise God my creator, myself and you my spiritual brethren that i won't masturbate anymore. I'll make praying my hobby as well as reading the bible at least everyday. The devil is a liar!
November 10, 2015 Someone said: I hv being praying but I hv not been persistent
November 9, 2015 Someone said: "reading your testimony has just stirred me up to pray unceasingly concerning this. god bless you soo much. i have been praying for years but i also felt it wasnt enough, upon reading you testimony i am going to seek god with my everyhting and be changed from glory ot glory
i pray that the holy spirit should help me as i ernestly pursue god in jesus name amen "
October 26, 2015 Someone said: I want to be honest. I started masturbating when I was 9 ,but I didn't knew it before. And now i'm 13.. I still can't stop my self from doing it ,I know I'm too young to know that ,but years ago (6-7) something happened between me and my cousin. It's not what you think ,it was a kiss. It happened a lot, until our parents knew about it ,I started to avoid my cousin because I understood that it was wrong. My family is religious ,I also studied in a Christian School where they taught us how to read the bible and how we can communicate to God. But.. When I started watching anime ,I was slowly got addicted ,to the point where I don't like to join my family in going to church. I want to help my self until I saw this article ,I want to change. I want to help my self to lessen watching anime ,help my self get rid of masturbating. Thank you for the article :)
October 15, 2015 Someone said: am grateful because i know this is way out for me stop masturbation, may God bless u.
October 10, 2015 Someone said: It makes me feel bad cause I have holy spirit and I don't listen to it my mind is weak but my spirit is bright n strong.I love God I do anything for him just to stop like I hear holy spirit talk to me before I do it but it's just I fall into temptation glorify God in name Jesus it's stop guess I need pray more....
October 3, 2015 Someone said: I believe masturbation cannot resist the power of Jesus Christ he raised the dead work on water he did more impossible things under the sun this won’t stop him he will rescue me thank you for your testimony
September 8, 2015 Someone said: "The day my life has changed through God ! Glory to him, I always remember the line take my heart and make it clean. Break my heart from what breaks yours "
September 4 Someone from New Zealand said: Great message, encourage me to keep praying and fight masturbation.
September 3, 2015 Someone said: Thanks for the good news. with prayer you can succeed because I see it that a way of praying helps
September 2 Someone from the USA said: Thank you so much! This has surely open my eyes to a brighter future.
August 30 Someone said: I think this is a really great help. I've been looking for someone to motivate me. And this is what I found. I've been masturbating since when I was 7 years old, but now, I'm already 19 and still masturbate. I teach bible to youths. I teach how to control temptation. I teach Jesus. But it is so disappointing that I didn't realize that there's a really big log on my eyes. :( But now, I've read so much testimony regarding this, it will motivate me, of course thru the love of our Lord, Jesus, to stop this wicked habit. All glory to Gog!
September 2 Someone from the USA said: Thank you so much! This has surely open my eyes to a brighter future.
August 30 Someone said: I think this is a really great help. I've been looking for someone to motivate me. And this is what I found. I've been masturbating since when I was 7 years old, but now, I'm already 19 and still masturbate. I teach bible to youths. I teach how to control temptation. I teach Jesus. But it is so disappointing that I didn't realize that there's a really big log on my eyes. :( But now, I've read so much testimony regarding this, it will motivate me, of course thru the love of our Lord, Jesus, to stop this wicked habit. All glory to Gog!
August 22 Someone said: Thank you so much for making this website. I've been praying once a day for a while now but it's only seemed to mildly decrease the urge to masturbate. Two verses are coming through my head now. 2 Corinthians 4:9 and 2 Timothy 2:22
August 13 Someone said: Thanks personally am tired of masturbating,sometimes I cry..but with this article I will definitely work on my prayer life
August 10 Someone said: Today is the day, I'm quitting. I'll be back at day 100. Thank you for this article. I've had this ongoing problem for 3 years as a Christian and it has seriously diminished my relationship with God especially. I have tried before but as Shia Lebeouf once said just do it, and I will. Pray for me because this is one journey I know won't be easy.
August 10 Someone said: Today is the day, I'm quitting. I'll be back at day 100. Thank you for this article. I've had this ongoing problem for 3 years as a Christian and it has seriously diminished my relationship with God especially. I have tried before but as Shia Lebeouf once said just do it, and I will. Pray for me because this is one journey I know won't be easy.
May 19, 2015 Someone said: When I maintain regular prayer every day then the urge to masturbate decreases. Definitely. If I am hasty in my prayers or do not pray with conviction, then I get urges to masturbate which I find distressing.
May 6, 2015 Someone said: God bless you for these message... I will work on my prayer life and move close to God.
April 24 2015 Someone said: I just wanna learn to control it. Because its been with me since I was 13 years old. Father god please help me
April 23, 2015 Someone said: Praise God for those inspiring words I do have the same addiction and I"m 55 years old I've had this addiction for 35 years.I"m Catholic and I've been married for 28 years (recently seperated) . I've tried every source of reason to fight this addiction but I always failed.This interview has opened my eyes and my heart. Thank you again.
March 29, 2015 Someone said: Thanks so much. It helped a lot!!!
March 17, 2015 Someone said: I've occasionally prayed, but often I'd try to handle it myself but fail. Now I'll try this, masturbation is ruining my life!
February 3, 2015 Someone said: for me first when i heard that masturbation can stop by praying to god then when i reached home i used to find it from the internet and then when i see that it is real then i take the bible and read it and when i finish reading it i start to pray to god to understand and to stop masturbate and then god answer my prayer and till from that time i stop masturbate and then i thank god for everything and i thank the writter of this website that giving information to stop masturbation by praying to god.God bless us thank you..
April 24 2015 Someone said: I just wanna learn to control it. Because its been with me since I was 13 years old. Father god please help me
April 23, 2015 Someone said: Praise God for those inspiring words I do have the same addiction and I"m 55 years old I've had this addiction for 35 years.I"m Catholic and I've been married for 28 years (recently seperated) . I've tried every source of reason to fight this addiction but I always failed.This interview has opened my eyes and my heart. Thank you again.
March 29, 2015 Someone said: Thanks so much. It helped a lot!!!
March 17, 2015 Someone said: I've occasionally prayed, but often I'd try to handle it myself but fail. Now I'll try this, masturbation is ruining my life!
February 3, 2015 Someone said: for me first when i heard that masturbation can stop by praying to god then when i reached home i used to find it from the internet and then when i see that it is real then i take the bible and read it and when i finish reading it i start to pray to god to understand and to stop masturbate and then god answer my prayer and till from that time i stop masturbate and then i thank god for everything and i thank the writter of this website that giving information to stop masturbation by praying to god.God bless us thank you..
January 6, 2015 Someone from the USA said: Thank you for having this website. I am young and have been corrupted by my friends. I have changed my group of friends at school and have see this website. Thank you. I now know what to do.
April 12, 2013 Someone from the USA said:
Nice was so useful for me.i prayed several times to God to help me in stopping masturbation. I was not successful. I was not able to find the reason for my failure .after reading this story , i found that lack of constant touch with god lead to failure. The lesson i have learned is the only way of stopping masturbation is prayer
Nice was so useful for me.i prayed several times to God to help me in stopping masturbation. I was not successful. I was not able to find the reason for my failure .after reading this story , i found that lack of constant touch with god lead to failure. The lesson i have learned is the only way of stopping masturbation is prayer
April 14, 2013 Someone from the UK said:
This article has been a blessing, glory be to God. I am a 17 year old girl who has been suffering from this affliction for about 3 years now. I know it is wrong but was unable to stop. I am overjoyed that the Holy Spirit has enabled me to know enough is enough and that I have found this page. Thank you very much. Romans 12:1.
April 23, 2013 Someone from India said:
Yes Prayer is a very good way. it give you a fully high power of mental strength and confidence. thanks a lot...... :-)
April 28, 2013 Someone from Europe said: glory be to God
May 12, 2013, Someone from Europe said:
Dis is really amazing, i never knew that prayer (constant prayer) can help resist dis demon of masturbation.
This article has been a blessing, glory be to God. I am a 17 year old girl who has been suffering from this affliction for about 3 years now. I know it is wrong but was unable to stop. I am overjoyed that the Holy Spirit has enabled me to know enough is enough and that I have found this page. Thank you very much. Romans 12:1.
April 23, 2013 Someone from India said:
Yes Prayer is a very good way. it give you a fully high power of mental strength and confidence. thanks a lot...... :-)
April 28, 2013 Someone from Europe said: glory be to God
May 12, 2013, Someone from Europe said:
Dis is really amazing, i never knew that prayer (constant prayer) can help resist dis demon of masturbation.
May 22 2013 Someone from Europe said:
Thank you so much. I'm so grateful that someone can give concrete advice. this has been really helpful already. god bless you!!
May 28, 2013, Someone from the USA said:
I'm a victim of masturbation,i desire to stop it after reading this article, i'm a christian,but not a devoted one,i guess i'm a hypocrite,i really want to stop,im sure i will share my testimony.
May 30, 2013 Someone from the USA said:
it's hard to stop masturbation
June 1, 2013 Someone from the USA said:
Thank you so much. I think God led me to your web page. I feel bad after each time that I masturbate. I have been a Christian my entire life but still did this life destroying act. I should remember to look to God and pray to avoid temptation. This night will be the last time I did it. I felt I needed help so I found your web page. You are a building block for my future.
June 11, 2013 Someone said:
thank you very much. i am a young man of 20 in Cameroon and since at least 5 years, i masturbate and was not able to stop it. i just to god yesterday to help me. and this morning i found your web page and i am sure that this would be helpful for me. GLORY BE TO THE LORD
June 13 Someone said:
I am 47 year old and father of two boys and married for 13 years, still i masturbate and we had not done family planning and which prevents little from family life as she doesn't want a third fact me too... but church denies for family planning..i have less sleep some days or most days..wake up at 5.45 or 3.00AM and simply rolling in bed with some prayers in mind...Please help me..
June 14 Someone from the USA said:
This was a beautiful article. I am an almost 14-year-old boy who has suffered from masturbation for about 2 1/2 months. Though I have grown up in the church, I have grown callous to sermons' messages. This just broke those callouses. I have been praying to God for help (without conviction) for the past few weeks and I think that I see the end of my affliction. Now I see that the reason prayer at first did not work for me was because of my lack of dedication and conviction, not God's impotence. This article reminds me of two verses: Isaiah 41:10 and Philippians 4:13. Thanks for restoring my confidence in the Lord. Masturbation nearly took me down; yet God takes me up all the higher from it. In the end, true prayer is once again the solution.
June 21, 2013 Someone from Malta said:
I have been masturbating for the 20 years. I over 30 and the desire to stop this bad habit has been struggling for the last 5 or 6 years. I prayed to God to send me an angel to stop it - and he answered my prayers through you my friend ! Thanks. I am committed to stop and your article together with the God will help achieve my goal. Alone I cannot do it
June 22, 2013 Someone from the USA said: I have read this,and it is very good and from now else on, I will practice the teaching and i hope by the grace of God my heart will be clean.THANK'S
June 26 Someone from the USA said: Thank u and god bless
June 27, Someone from the USA said: I am an LDS 14 year old girl. I discovered this dangerous habit at age 9 and have tried ever since to stop. The longest I have resisted is about 2 months, but I know its wrong. I know I am a sinner. After reading this, after hearing from REAL people who fought hard and won, not pouring over health professionals' statistics and facts that never seem to help, I feel encouraged. I know that this time, THIS time, I can do it. I will do it. For God, for forgiveness, for freedom, and for me. I can. I must. I will.
June 28 Someone from the USA said: i masturbate one a while i been wanting to stop, and i came to this page i need help. I want to stop, i feel guilty after. may the lord help me fight this
July 8 Someone from the USA said: Thank you for having this website! I have been pleasing myself since I was a small child. It used to be a method for going to sleep, then as I aged it became a vehicle for not having sex. After I got divorced, I became increasingly dependent on masturbation as a means of feeling good. I have been a believer for nearly two years and I find that even though I want to stop, I find that I sometimes fall back into the same old habit. Usually, the enemy coaxes me into these habits when I'm most vulnerable, alone, or on the cusp of something God has planned. This site has given me hope that it can be overcome. I look forward to using prayer more ardently and seeing the Lord work in this area of my life. Thank you!
Thank you so much. I'm so grateful that someone can give concrete advice. this has been really helpful already. god bless you!!
May 28, 2013, Someone from the USA said:
I'm a victim of masturbation,i desire to stop it after reading this article, i'm a christian,but not a devoted one,i guess i'm a hypocrite,i really want to stop,im sure i will share my testimony.
May 30, 2013 Someone from the USA said:
it's hard to stop masturbation
June 1, 2013 Someone from the USA said:
Thank you so much. I think God led me to your web page. I feel bad after each time that I masturbate. I have been a Christian my entire life but still did this life destroying act. I should remember to look to God and pray to avoid temptation. This night will be the last time I did it. I felt I needed help so I found your web page. You are a building block for my future.
June 11, 2013 Someone said:
thank you very much. i am a young man of 20 in Cameroon and since at least 5 years, i masturbate and was not able to stop it. i just to god yesterday to help me. and this morning i found your web page and i am sure that this would be helpful for me. GLORY BE TO THE LORD
June 13 Someone said:
I am 47 year old and father of two boys and married for 13 years, still i masturbate and we had not done family planning and which prevents little from family life as she doesn't want a third fact me too... but church denies for family planning..i have less sleep some days or most days..wake up at 5.45 or 3.00AM and simply rolling in bed with some prayers in mind...Please help me..
June 14 Someone from the USA said:
This was a beautiful article. I am an almost 14-year-old boy who has suffered from masturbation for about 2 1/2 months. Though I have grown up in the church, I have grown callous to sermons' messages. This just broke those callouses. I have been praying to God for help (without conviction) for the past few weeks and I think that I see the end of my affliction. Now I see that the reason prayer at first did not work for me was because of my lack of dedication and conviction, not God's impotence. This article reminds me of two verses: Isaiah 41:10 and Philippians 4:13. Thanks for restoring my confidence in the Lord. Masturbation nearly took me down; yet God takes me up all the higher from it. In the end, true prayer is once again the solution.
June 21, 2013 Someone from Malta said:
I have been masturbating for the 20 years. I over 30 and the desire to stop this bad habit has been struggling for the last 5 or 6 years. I prayed to God to send me an angel to stop it - and he answered my prayers through you my friend ! Thanks. I am committed to stop and your article together with the God will help achieve my goal. Alone I cannot do it
June 22, 2013 Someone from the USA said: I have read this,and it is very good and from now else on, I will practice the teaching and i hope by the grace of God my heart will be clean.THANK'S
June 26 Someone from the USA said: Thank u and god bless
June 27, Someone from the USA said: I am an LDS 14 year old girl. I discovered this dangerous habit at age 9 and have tried ever since to stop. The longest I have resisted is about 2 months, but I know its wrong. I know I am a sinner. After reading this, after hearing from REAL people who fought hard and won, not pouring over health professionals' statistics and facts that never seem to help, I feel encouraged. I know that this time, THIS time, I can do it. I will do it. For God, for forgiveness, for freedom, and for me. I can. I must. I will.
June 28 Someone from the USA said: i masturbate one a while i been wanting to stop, and i came to this page i need help. I want to stop, i feel guilty after. may the lord help me fight this
July 8 Someone from the USA said: Thank you for having this website! I have been pleasing myself since I was a small child. It used to be a method for going to sleep, then as I aged it became a vehicle for not having sex. After I got divorced, I became increasingly dependent on masturbation as a means of feeling good. I have been a believer for nearly two years and I find that even though I want to stop, I find that I sometimes fall back into the same old habit. Usually, the enemy coaxes me into these habits when I'm most vulnerable, alone, or on the cusp of something God has planned. This site has given me hope that it can be overcome. I look forward to using prayer more ardently and seeing the Lord work in this area of my life. Thank you!
July 15 2013 Someone from the USA said: I am a 15 year old LDS boy who has been struggling with this addiction for around 7 months. I told my parents and bishop but have still not made it 2 weeks or longer. It hurts my family and me that sometimes i lie to them about what i did and didn't do that day. I looked for help again after sinning today in despair and found this web page. I feel that with this information I can beat back this addiction and be worthy to enter the temple and go on a mission. Thank you and God bless you.
Thanks for your comment. Remember that it takes time to implement changes and new habits into your lifestyle so don't give up. Learn how to eat well and practice the tips that build willpower. Years ago I read a booklet about prayer that really helped me, hope it helps you also:
The Privilege of Prayer |
July 16 Someone from the USA said: The best prayer to pray constantly, especially against masturbation, is the Jesus Prayer. It is based off of the Tax Collecter's prayer in one of Jesus' parables and it is very similar to what the blind men cried out to Jesus when the wanted Him to heal them. It's power comes from Jesus' name, whose name is above all names. it goes: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner I would love to tell you all that their is to tell about this Prayer, but I don't have enough time there is so much. Google the Jesus Prayer and you will be glad that you did.
August 2 Someone from NIgeria said: **** from Nigeria tearz rolling down my eyes. I wil never ever masturbate again by God's grace.
August 2 Someone said: Am 25 from Nigeria,thankz so much for this wonderful article, i have being suffering from this addiction now for about 6years but after reading this,, is my prayer that next time i'll be coming back with a good news.. May God help us we that are suffering from demonic act through our lord Jesus Christ, Amen''
August 5 Someone from the USA said: I have been in this sinful act for almost 11 years now,God blessed me wit gifts but always this act has kept me down and the guilt i feel at times denies me to stand and proclaim God's word,but after reading this i see my deliverance at hand.thank u
August 9, 2013 Someone said: Thank God for this page. i hope this is the last time i did it.With fervent prayer and sincere devotion to i am an overcomer.AMEN.19 year old
August 10 Someone from the USA said: Thank You this article was an encouraging testimony of how constant prayer will lead to deliverance with faith . Such a blessing
August 11 Someone from the USA said: i been masturbating for a few months im 15 now god is really good this taught me that the devil can trick your mind with bad thoughts god led me to this webpage this should really overcome my addiction god bless you all
August 16 Someone from Asia said: please pray for me . I want to became a good priest.
August 24 Someone from the UK said: Am so happy I read bless for this now I know the only way out of this is prayer I will continue to read am sure I am going to have a great testimony..
September 4 Someone from Europe said: I'm really healed now I had also a masturbation problem but reading this column really healed praise God
September 5 Someone from Africa said: I am a Christian single lady aged 42yrs struggling with masturbation it seems a demon or spirit has entered me, need divine intervention now!
September 6 Someone said: masturbation started in my life when i was in junior secondary school in Nigeria around 9-11. i am 20 years now and still masturbating. i gave my life to CHRIST when i was 18 but then backslid after an affliction. since then my christian life has been on and off. i know that only prayer can deliver someone from such temptations, but the idea is i always deceive myself that i would fast and pray three days on my own and stop but those days dont come. reading this have added to my faith. i should pour out my soul to GOD IN prayer and whenever i seem tempted to commit it i should pray fervently to stop.thanks a lot
September 8 Someone from the USA said: I am a 16 year old boy and have turned the nasty sin of pornography and masturbation into an addiction. I know it is wrong and what I must do to stop it. Now it is just a matter of doing it. Keep me the sinner in your prayers.
September 13 Someone from Sweden said: What a good article this is. I am greatly fulfilled after reading this, cos it happens to be a solution to my masturbation issue which I believe I've gotten over with after reading this article. I started Masturbation between age 13 and 14 and I am 23 years old and still masturbating. But I believe I'm free after reading this.
September 18 Someone said: My bros god almighty wil bles u 4 me i hav been suffering frm dis forbidable habit over 8 year now, so equaly tank god i hav found ur page of deliverance am an African son who basicaly in Nigeria i nd also ur prayer
September 20 Someone said: And this is the last time it would eva happen to me!! PRAYER IS THE MASTER KEY
October 2 Someone from the USA said: I realy love this article, thanks to God who made it possible for the sake of His people who are under the affliction of masturbation. Glory be to God on High.
October 5 Someone said: I Am from nigeria i av been masturbating for about 10yrs now and i have been delivered in d church before from dis demon but still found my self doing i knw is morethan a deliverance but a continuous prayer thank God for dis article for changing my life i almost lost all i av to d dvil but dis article has healed me.i am free glory be to God.
October 6 Someone from the USA said: Thank you soo much I needed this I was In need for an answer and I finally found it and God bless you thank you so much I'm starting to turn my life around day by day thank you
October 9 from USA: The Glory be to God. Prayer is indeed the answer. I'm glad that this site and this article is of great advice to us who really need it. God bless you guys.
October 10: Thank you so much for this teaching.Am 22yrs and have been practicing this devilish act for more than ten years and have always try my best to stop this but the urge just come back at times.For now I have the most powerful weapon for this..prayers since with God,nothing will never be impossible.Its time to send this demon away.Thank you.
October 25 Someone said: my Name is also Jeff and im 17 years old and ive been battling with masturbation for more than two years.. ive tried praying but not like how he explained it.. the temptation has always taking the upper hand but im really really having faith in God that my story will change too because I feel so depressed and guilty everyday i wake up
October 25: Thanks alot for this site. I have been fighting this evil spirit of masturbation and pornography for about 2yrz now but am sure this night was the last b'cos am also a christian teenager i pray evryday at least b4 i go to skul but what i read from this article has proved to be of great help to me seeing the testimonies of others i know it is high time pray and denounce that habit. I also nid ur prayers to succeed,THANKS!
November 2: Am a christian nd ve got dis habbit 4 so many years nw nd dnt knw wht 2 do abt it,bt after dis testimony of dis brother,i tink ve got solution 2 end dis 4 4rm,GOD bless u 4 sharin dis thought wit d'world,u ve change ma life.
November 9: i am from east africa, n i've been masturbating for 5yrs now, i lastly dd it today bt on reading articles from this webpage, i realised that God still loves me, all tht He wants is for me to be consistent in prayer n faithful. i thought tht i was the only one musturbating, moreover i have the hope to start this journey faithfully n prayerfully, i will resist the devil and he.will eventually flee from me! May God bless you..
November 18: Am a 20yr old guy from malawi.....have been masturbating for morethan 3years now...this year(2013) it got worse that i was doing it daily or even twice a day....having been axng God to help me cuz though i masturbate,its just not my thng/i dont like it....i always feel guilty after doing it...i belive this article will help in alot of ways...THANKS TO GOD and you for this article
November 23 from the USA: I've suffered from this addiction for so long, and this is the first time I've actually tried to look for a way to stop other than just telling and forcing myself to stop. I'm a young catholic and I've always asked God to help me stop. Sometimes it would work for a while, then it recurs again after a couple days to a week. But I've never tried to pray over and over and over again as soon as I'm tempted by the evil, but this time I will definitely try it. Thank you so much, never ever take this site down, this is a blessing for me and for so many others struggling to stop this disease.
August 2 Someone from NIgeria said: **** from Nigeria tearz rolling down my eyes. I wil never ever masturbate again by God's grace.
August 2 Someone said: Am 25 from Nigeria,thankz so much for this wonderful article, i have being suffering from this addiction now for about 6years but after reading this,, is my prayer that next time i'll be coming back with a good news.. May God help us we that are suffering from demonic act through our lord Jesus Christ, Amen''
August 5 Someone from the USA said: I have been in this sinful act for almost 11 years now,God blessed me wit gifts but always this act has kept me down and the guilt i feel at times denies me to stand and proclaim God's word,but after reading this i see my deliverance at hand.thank u
August 9, 2013 Someone said: Thank God for this page. i hope this is the last time i did it.With fervent prayer and sincere devotion to i am an overcomer.AMEN.19 year old
August 10 Someone from the USA said: Thank You this article was an encouraging testimony of how constant prayer will lead to deliverance with faith . Such a blessing
August 11 Someone from the USA said: i been masturbating for a few months im 15 now god is really good this taught me that the devil can trick your mind with bad thoughts god led me to this webpage this should really overcome my addiction god bless you all
August 16 Someone from Asia said: please pray for me . I want to became a good priest.
August 24 Someone from the UK said: Am so happy I read bless for this now I know the only way out of this is prayer I will continue to read am sure I am going to have a great testimony..
September 4 Someone from Europe said: I'm really healed now I had also a masturbation problem but reading this column really healed praise God
September 5 Someone from Africa said: I am a Christian single lady aged 42yrs struggling with masturbation it seems a demon or spirit has entered me, need divine intervention now!
September 6 Someone said: masturbation started in my life when i was in junior secondary school in Nigeria around 9-11. i am 20 years now and still masturbating. i gave my life to CHRIST when i was 18 but then backslid after an affliction. since then my christian life has been on and off. i know that only prayer can deliver someone from such temptations, but the idea is i always deceive myself that i would fast and pray three days on my own and stop but those days dont come. reading this have added to my faith. i should pour out my soul to GOD IN prayer and whenever i seem tempted to commit it i should pray fervently to stop.thanks a lot
September 8 Someone from the USA said: I am a 16 year old boy and have turned the nasty sin of pornography and masturbation into an addiction. I know it is wrong and what I must do to stop it. Now it is just a matter of doing it. Keep me the sinner in your prayers.
September 13 Someone from Sweden said: What a good article this is. I am greatly fulfilled after reading this, cos it happens to be a solution to my masturbation issue which I believe I've gotten over with after reading this article. I started Masturbation between age 13 and 14 and I am 23 years old and still masturbating. But I believe I'm free after reading this.
September 18 Someone said: My bros god almighty wil bles u 4 me i hav been suffering frm dis forbidable habit over 8 year now, so equaly tank god i hav found ur page of deliverance am an African son who basicaly in Nigeria i nd also ur prayer
September 20 Someone said: And this is the last time it would eva happen to me!! PRAYER IS THE MASTER KEY
October 2 Someone from the USA said: I realy love this article, thanks to God who made it possible for the sake of His people who are under the affliction of masturbation. Glory be to God on High.
October 5 Someone said: I Am from nigeria i av been masturbating for about 10yrs now and i have been delivered in d church before from dis demon but still found my self doing i knw is morethan a deliverance but a continuous prayer thank God for dis article for changing my life i almost lost all i av to d dvil but dis article has healed me.i am free glory be to God.
October 6 Someone from the USA said: Thank you soo much I needed this I was In need for an answer and I finally found it and God bless you thank you so much I'm starting to turn my life around day by day thank you
October 9 from USA: The Glory be to God. Prayer is indeed the answer. I'm glad that this site and this article is of great advice to us who really need it. God bless you guys.
October 10: Thank you so much for this teaching.Am 22yrs and have been practicing this devilish act for more than ten years and have always try my best to stop this but the urge just come back at times.For now I have the most powerful weapon for this..prayers since with God,nothing will never be impossible.Its time to send this demon away.Thank you.
October 25 Someone said: my Name is also Jeff and im 17 years old and ive been battling with masturbation for more than two years.. ive tried praying but not like how he explained it.. the temptation has always taking the upper hand but im really really having faith in God that my story will change too because I feel so depressed and guilty everyday i wake up
October 25: Thanks alot for this site. I have been fighting this evil spirit of masturbation and pornography for about 2yrz now but am sure this night was the last b'cos am also a christian teenager i pray evryday at least b4 i go to skul but what i read from this article has proved to be of great help to me seeing the testimonies of others i know it is high time pray and denounce that habit. I also nid ur prayers to succeed,THANKS!
November 2: Am a christian nd ve got dis habbit 4 so many years nw nd dnt knw wht 2 do abt it,bt after dis testimony of dis brother,i tink ve got solution 2 end dis 4 4rm,GOD bless u 4 sharin dis thought wit d'world,u ve change ma life.
November 9: i am from east africa, n i've been masturbating for 5yrs now, i lastly dd it today bt on reading articles from this webpage, i realised that God still loves me, all tht He wants is for me to be consistent in prayer n faithful. i thought tht i was the only one musturbating, moreover i have the hope to start this journey faithfully n prayerfully, i will resist the devil and he.will eventually flee from me! May God bless you..
November 18: Am a 20yr old guy from malawi.....have been masturbating for morethan 3years now...this year(2013) it got worse that i was doing it daily or even twice a day....having been axng God to help me cuz though i masturbate,its just not my thng/i dont like it....i always feel guilty after doing it...i belive this article will help in alot of ways...THANKS TO GOD and you for this article
November 23 from the USA: I've suffered from this addiction for so long, and this is the first time I've actually tried to look for a way to stop other than just telling and forcing myself to stop. I'm a young catholic and I've always asked God to help me stop. Sometimes it would work for a while, then it recurs again after a couple days to a week. But I've never tried to pray over and over and over again as soon as I'm tempted by the evil, but this time I will definitely try it. Thank you so much, never ever take this site down, this is a blessing for me and for so many others struggling to stop this disease.
September 2, 2014 Someone said: may the lord God bles u.i am transformed today in JESUS name